Not even a whimper on the way home, she's a happy little puppy! |
Say hello to the newest little member of my household! This is Yuna, she's a 6 week old Siberian Husky. I don't feel like I've ever loved something more in my entire life. This is the first dog I have had that is truly my own, and I couldn't be happier. I've always loved Siberian Huskies, they're just stunning animals. The wolf resemblance with those blue eyes completely captures me. Yuna is a white and chocolate brown color, which I personally haven't seen very often in the breed. I typically see the black and white or the grey and white ones, which are equally as beautiful! But I just couldn't resist the different and soft look of the brown color.
Spoiled puppy! Look at all those toys! Plus the 5 more I bought her today, not sorry. |
The name Yuna comes from my favorite game as a child and an adult. Final Fantasy X. I've been waiting my whole life to name something or someone Yuna, and I finally found the perfect match. I didn't pick out a name before adopting her, but once we got her home I could instantly see that she was my Yuna. If you're a fan of the game you may already know that she's got a few nicknames such as Lady Yuna, Yunalesca & Yunie.
Asleep on her piggy toy, which happens to be her favorite. I think they're best friends. |
Her parents were incredibly beautiful as well. Her mother was black and white with stunning eyes, and her father was a shimmering gold. I have never seen anything like him before, he was actually bright gold. She was in one of the biggest litters I've ever seen as well, I think over 10 puppies. She's got a big family! Speaking of family, every single member of my family absolutely adores her. She's my little girl and I adore her.